Penguin Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Connecticut
Take the plunge into icy waters to support more than 12,000 athletes of all abilities who participate in the sports training and competitions Special Olympics Connecticut offers year-round. All are invited to participate in the Plunge, including individuals, friends and families, and teams representing schools, businesses, organizations, and clubs.
To join in the fun, participants must be at least 8 years old and commit to fundraising on behalf of Special Olympics Connecticut. In addition to the awards for top fundraisers and best costumes, participants receive incentive prizes for their fundraising efforts. Spectators are welcome.
The Shoreline Penguin Plunge will be held at Eastern Point Beach, located at 1 Beach Pond Road, Groton CT, on Sunday, March 3rd. Check-in will begin at 10 a.m. and the Plunge will take place at noon. Participants must be at least eight years old and register for $25. We encourage additional fundraising, with incentives beginning at $150. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged and may be done online at